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Installed Sights: 

The front sight was a two piece set up. I cut out the pattern of the front blade. Then I notched the bottom of the blade, so the blade would sit flush  2010-06-22 016.JPG (195154 bytes)against the top of the barrel.  Then I soldered the pieces together. 

2010-06-22 018.JPG (162998 bytes)









With a little clean up the sight was then driven into the barrel dove tail. 

2010-06-22 020.JPG (182556 bytes) 2010-06-28 006.JPG (208233 bytes)








2010-06-28 005.JPG (191536 bytes)







The rear sight dovetail was cut into the barrel and the sight was installed. 2010-06-28 011.JPG (240461 bytes)








Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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