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Installed the Ramrod Pipes:

I positioned the forward pipe 3-3/4" from the end of the muzzle. Then I placed the middle pipe 1/2" forward of the middle location between the rear of the forward pipe and the front of the rear pipe.

20090313 013.jpg (237179 bytes) Once I located the pipe, I mark where the tab is 20090313 016.jpg (240993 bytes)on the pipe onto the stock. Then I use a "V" groove carving tool to make a trench. 






The trench helps hold the drill bit and I drill a hole on either end of the trench and as many as I can between the two holes. I determine the diameter of the drill bit based upon the thickness of the tab on the ramrod pipe. 20090313 017.jpg (225459 bytes)20090313 018.jpg (218896 bytes)

Then I inlet the pipe down till a 3/8" diameter rod can pass freely thru it and I know now that it is down enough, then I drill the tab  thru the stock with a 1/16" bit and pin it.





To inlet the rear pipe, I drill out the slot for the tab and then inlet the pipe slowly into the stock. 20090313 021.jpg (227358 bytes)

Here are some of the inlays I was going to be working on, too.  The triggerguard is polished and ready now.

Now I wanted to round out the side to transition the nose cap and the rear thimble area.

To do this I divided the sides into thirds. Drew  line 1/8" wide along the ramrod channel. Then removed20090313 010.jpg (244583 bytes) the lower 2/3, then the top 1/3.  Prior to removing the top 1/3, I drew a line 1/16" wide along side the barrel. This left me with a 1/16" wide lip along the barrel.







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    Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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