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Initial Shaping of Stock & Pinning Barrel:

Lines were drawn along the stock.  I measured 3/16" along the sides of the barrel. This I will later round over. The lock area was 5/16", which is thicker than I really need for inletting the lock. The forward end of the lock panel was positioned 2" in front of the lock. DSCN0445.JPG (45869 bytes)





The front foot is 6-3/4" long and the width is 1/2".DSCN0430.JPG (48086 bytes)  









Pinning The Stock: 

I wanted to use 4 pins to pin the barrel to the stock. The first pin was midway up the forearm and the last pin was 2 inches from the muzzle of the barrel.  Later I will want to pour a nose cap for the rifle and want the pin out of the way. I then measured the distance between these marks and divided the length by 3. This came to 10-1/4" between each pin for even lay out on the stock. 

For tenons I used staples.  The barrel was blackened with candle soot and then the barrel was laid into the channel and marked the location of the tenon. DSCN0436.JPG (117004 bytes)When the barrel was fully seated I drilled a 3/32" hole thru the stock and the tenon. 

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