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1750 Queen Anne Pistol

w/English Walnut Grip; .62 caliber screw on barrel

(This was an English pistol kit, I received from a friend.  The metal parts were cast off an original pistol. Notice below, the inside lock workings.  The safety was activated by pushing the trigger guard forward.)

(Click each photo to enlarge)


QA 1.JPG (168229 bytes) QA 2.JPG (159915 bytes) 

QA 3.JPG (117841 bytes) Barrel Unscrewed.jpg (46631 bytes)  Proof Marks.jpg (56709 bytes)    

Frizzen Spring.jpg (59721 bytes)   Inside with Side View.jpg (47835 bytes)  

Inside Top View.jpg (75983 bytes)   

Here are some photos of the insides of the English Walnut stock. A gentleman from Essex, England asked for these because he is beginning to build the same pistol. 

The screws you see are used to secure the inlays into the stock. 

 _20150105_510.JPG (120859 bytes) _20150105_509.JPG (125011 bytes)  _20150104_493.JPG (122712 bytes)  _20150104_502.JPG (65265 bytes)

(Each photo above will open into a new window. Click the "X" in the upper right corner of this window to close the window.)


    Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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